
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello, Welcome to my blog! 

If you’re curious about what it looks like to be racer who’s leaving in less than two weeks for nine months, you’ve come to the right place!! I’m here to bring you into the world of rollercoaster emotions & longer goodbyes.

For Me, It Looks Like…

  • Spending every waking hour with my family to the point where I’m practically attached to the hip. 

  • Having your heart crushed when you can’t go to Costco with your Mom. 

  • Wearing your robe at all times of the day because you know it will be the #1 piece of clothing you’ll miss & debating on whether it would be appropriate to wear it in public.

  • Staying in the shower for 5 minutes longer & turning the temperature up (maybe a little too high) because hot water is nice & you’ll miss your shower.

  • Wearing your favorite clothes that are going to get left behind & sometimes changing outfits during the day because you want to have one last goodbye with them since you love clothes so much.

  • Making a list of all the things you want to do before you leave & checking them off.

  • Realizing that some of the things on your list you’ve never done before & it probably isn’t something you’ll miss but doing it anyway because for some reason it can’t wait until you get back.

  • Thanking Jesus for your own bathroom & a working toilet.

  • Intently listening outside to all of God’s creation & recording it with your mind so you can remember what Home sounds like.

  • Sitting in silence when you are surrounded by family or friends soaking up the time with them.

  • Crying almost everyday when you realize you don’t have that much time left in your home.

  • Taking a few extra minutes to get out of bed because it’s so comfy & you know your sleeping pad & sleeping bag do not compare.

  • Noticing things about people, a place or area that you hadn’t before.

  • Letting your dog get away with more things than ever before because you only have two weeks & he’s just too cute!

  • Hugging a person tighter & longer… even though you’re not a touchy person. 

  • Eating all your favorite foods that you know you won’t have in these other countries.

  • Being intentional with everyone you are with & taking it all in.

  • Praising Jesus for the rainy days & a chance to wear a Fall outfit, feel & smell the good ol’ Oregon rain & remember how much you love Fall.

  • Sneaking a Christmas song on your playlist since it’s your favorite time of year & imaging what it will be like in Guatemala.

  • Trying to prepare to leave but sometimes wishing you didn’t have to think about it because it sometimes makes you sad.. Followed by:

  • Getting SO PUMPED to leave you wish the flight was tomorrow!!

  • Saying “see ya soon” to friends & family a couple times because you don’t want it to be the last goodbye for nine months.

  • Dreaming about all the amazing experiences you’ll have these next nine months. 

  • Staying up longer & waking up earlier so you have more time.

  • Turning your phone off & putting it away so you can be in the moment. 

  • Saying “See ya soon” because you don’t like the sound of “goodbye”.
  • Appreciating everything around you!


This is what almost every single day looks like for me! I hope this gave you a little glimpse of what a racer experiences on a daily basis & the emotion that goes along with leaving home for nine months. 


Thanks for popping in! 

Stay tuned <3